Dylan Quintilone is an investment advisor representative with Copper Canyon LLC, a state of Florida Registered Investment Advisor. He provides tax services separately and independently of Copper Canyon LLC. He does not render investment advice, or financial planning services as a service within the tax business. In the event a tax customer wants to engage Mr. Quintilone for investment related services, Mr. Quintilone will be required to disclose material facts. The first disclosure will be to inform the tax client that investment advising is a separate service and Mr. Quintilone is required to deliver disclosure documents consisting of Copper Canyon LLC’s Form ADV Part 2 Brochure, Portfolio Management Contract and other required documents.
Copper Canyon LLC is a Registered Investment Advisor in Orlando, Florida. The firm is regulated by the Office of Financial Regulation, Division of Securities. More information can be found about Copper Canyon LLC CRD#286061, by visiting httpss://brokercheck.finra.org/ and typing Copper Canyon LLC into the search box
Copper Canyon LLC Firm Persons
Dylan Quintilone
Investment Advisor Representative
CRD# 6732024
Paul Edward Clay
Investment Advisor Representative
CRD# 7145606
Quintilone Tax is 100% owned by Dylan Quintilone. Quintilone Tax has no affiliation with Quintilone & Associates, a law firm located in Lake Forest, California. Quintilone & Associates and Quintilone Tax are two separate businesses and are independently operated.